Hôtel Le Lièvre #2 (Christian Bonnefoi / Vincent Péraro) - Viewing Room
Hôtel Le Lièvre #2 (Christian Bonnefoi / Vincent Péraro)
12 - 29 April 2021
Campoli Presti is pleased to announce the second iteration of Hôtel Le Lièvre, a series of two-person fortnightly presentations, in which an artist from the gallery invites another artist to present each a single work. The second iteration of Hôtel Le Lièvre is dedicated to the work of Christian Bonnefoi and Vincent Péraro. The exhibition series centres around the Paris gallery building, Hôtel Le Lièvre La Grange, site of an intense cultural and fashion trade which is now disrupted. The rhythmical reconfigurations of the space perform as an attempt to counter our current sense of detachment.